3D Animation, Cinematography
For every media creator, hard drive storage is essential. While our teams have used many brands, SanDisk is one of our personal favourites. It's fast, reliable and durable. As a fun passion project, we wanted to create a spec ad for this handy and trusted tool we use daily. This spec ad was made using a combination of 3D animation and cinematography. For the beginning of the ad, we crafted the virtual 3D environment to set the scene. Subsequently, we seamlessly incorporated authentic footage that we had captured, showcasing detailed close-ups of the hard drive. As an SSD designed to endure the challenges of water and dust, we aimed to vividly depict these features in our video, both visually and sonically. The ad not only showcases the hard drive's robustness through these visuals but also immerses the audience in an auditory experience that complements its durability in challenging environments.